behind the curtain

Please note the new tagline

Longtime readers of my LiveJournal* will recognize “What have you done for your dancing today?” as an adaptation of “What have you done for your dissertation today?,” the mantra that got me through writing my doctoral dissertation five years ago.  In the interest of refining our focus and the site’s focus, I’ve decided to use “What have you done for your dancing today?” as a reminder to myself to do something for my dancing every day and to post something on the site at least 3 times a week.  I plan to continue recording our experiences on the dancefloor and promoting local events, but I’d like to add more reflective and informative posts as well: how to get started, how to train your body, how to prepare for competition, and whatever else I think of.  I also have an overambitious plan to do a “competition diary” at the end of October when we travel to North Carolina for the Carolina Classic: either a series of short posts as we go through the competition weekend, or one long round-up afterwards.  Hopefully the competition diary will be illustrated with photos.

Stay tuned…

*It’s friends-locked, but if you have an LJ account, comment (here or on LJ) and I’ll add you.

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