dancing in the media

The bar has been raised

Further to my previous, how many does it take to tango? Got this from Joyce, a clip from 1997’s The Tango Lesson*:

Must confess that something about the woman being passed from guy to guy gives me the creeps ever so slightly (and might be dangerous–around 2:40, one of the guys almost takes a Comme Il Faut to the face), but it does provide interesting ideas for a group routine. Of course, in a real group of dancers, the genders would be reversed, with one man being passed from woman to woman!

*I haven’t seen it, but it’s going on the Netflix queue.

2 replies on “The bar has been raised”

The guy with the black curly mop of hair is Pablo Varon, The other two, Fabian Salas in the plaid shirt and Gustavo Naveira in the darker shirt have been in Atlanta doing workshops several years ago, and I was thrilled to be able to attend. The Nottinghams went to a milonga with me where Naveira and his partner Giselle Ann performed.

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